The motivation behind energy research and discovery
Doubtless anyone today isn't aware of the global dependence on energy for both shelter and comfort but also among the changes we're seeing in transportation heading toward electric vehicles. In fact, the concerns over energy could be the next invitation to another serious global conflict.
Despite awareness we struggle with there are at least these things below which amount to...
- Taking for granted what we have grown accustomed to as convenience rather than essential,
- having no real opportunity to access truly independent alternatives from municipal provisions,
- an inability to create the solutions without organized development, investment and resources and
- Our current path of wind, solar, nuclear and hydro are not solutions.
Carbon Analytic sought to find an alternative to fossil fuels, waste pollution, climate emissions and regulatory confinement. The vision was to provide a cost effective solution to offset the rising risks in these fields in order to offer the greater public security from complete dependence and rising costs on these concerns.
It became apparent in order for an alternative to grow, it must NOT seek to dismiss the value of what current fossil fuels mean to the oil and coal industry, employment and economic value. This dovetails to power company resources binding customers to an ageing and rigid grid. We needed a solution that could scale with equal or greater reliability, but also be capable of stand-alone independent operation. This would permit the design to be incorporated and benefit grid distribution, convert existing power facilities and create jobs for displaced employment across a gradual transition from fossil fuels.
By utilizing other stores of unused hydrocarbon resources, (think clean alternatives to landfills), the solution would need to make use of clean polymers heading for landfills. Recycling of plastics never grew to a true success but for the companies that handle it. Only 10% of the plastic we produce ever gets recycled. The rest of it remains bundled in stockpiles, dumped to the oceans, dropped in landfills or burned indiscriminately in countries where regulations don't protect from harmful emissions. Interestingly, the largest majority of these materials are made up exclusively of carbon and hydrogen in a polymer chain base. This means if we could safely deconstruct that polymer base, the carbon and hydrogen could be utilized as additional fuels. This makes a clean result from the remains of fossil fuel waste and helps protect the environment and wildlife from the devastating exposures of micro-plastic.
Disposal of landfill waste has been considered previously but involved the use of extremely high energy elctrical ionization as the means to break materials down to their absolute atomic parts. In theory it made sense except it consumed as much power as it created, was not portable or scalable and didn't serve the purpose as a "solution".
Ending fossil fuel dependence makes sense, but losing the benefits of combustion for energy conversion simply does NOT. Rather it leaves us with the unreliability of alternatives as we're already learning from brown outs and black outs in dense populations having moved more toward wind, solar and batteries. They simply are not adequate replacements and we still don't fully understand all the future negatives they represent.
In summary, the task we have undertaken would not be without time and dedicated effort.
- Establish alternative, renewable and sustainable fuel sources and means to sustain them.
- Eliminate waste to utilize clean reuse of end-point energy sources.
- Develop regional processes to perpetually make and deploy.
- Develop for large scale employment across a diverse work force.
- Design on a basis of simplicity and reliability in the results, despite technology required.
- Resolve the methods to remedy all excess, harmful emissions.
- Design for cost effective value, affordable for public access.
- Design for scalable as residential up through fully commercial / industrial applications.
- Utilize government grants, but shield from lobbying influences seeking to divert change.
- Fund the long term initiatives in an accountable manner to include public participation.
- Include investment opportunities where possible for those desiring fuller participation.
The results to date prove Carbon Analytic has accomplished the proof of how these concerns work from the science and technology perspective with many working prototype examples. What remains now is to secure sufficient financial support to begin producing the results in early first stage presentation of well built examples.
The remaining headings under the "Technology" menu link, reveal these accomplishments for those interested in learning more and following progress.